User Story.NET |
This project is a tool for Extreme Programming projects in their User
Story tracking. I'd like to put some screenshots of the current version
here when I get the opportunity. Until then, you'll have to download it
and install it in order to use it. Go to the project's
summary page to download it.
Current Features:
- Log in as admin to add users to the system and define
project's variables (current release, iteration, and build, etc.).
- A user can add User Stories, including the unique name,
category, main text and a bulleted list of sub-requirements.
- When a User Story is chosen for development, the User Story
is submitted to Development by clicking the Compose checkbox. The
composer's ID and a timestamp is put on the User Story.
- Developers break the User Story down into programming
tasks, then estimate and assign the tasks.
- When Development finishes the User Story, s/he clicks the
Developed checkbox, again with an ID and timestamp. The User Story is
now considered in testing.
- Testing then marks a User Story as Approved or Rejected,
and the User Story's status goes to either Production or Rejected.
- Any user can retrieve a list of User Stories by both status
and category.
Next Features:
- Tracking of start and end times of each iteration and/or
build, saving the history, rather than just storing the current
- Viewer to view project velocity and other metrics based on
available information.
I'm building this for our own company's use, and posted it to
SourceForge so that if it's useful to anyone else, we may be able to
help each other make the tool better. Please drop me a line at
you download the program -- tell me what you think.